
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
RB2R 16: Olen Givens, Marijuana
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Rock Bottom 2 Recovery podcast, with our guest Olen Givens, Skyping in from waaay up in Vermont near the Canadian border. Olen talks about Bigfoot, and using marijuana (not with Bigfoot!), as a teen and into his 40's before finally quitting.
Check out our FB page and our past RB2R episodes. Laurie Zupkofska

Thursday Feb 15, 2018
RB2R 15: Amber Smith, Addiction and Family
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
On this Valentines Day Show, our special guest is Amber Hersey-Smith and she is an awesome, amazing young woman who has had a lot of hardship because both parents struggled with substance use disorder. One recovered, one didn't. Listen to her story and the effect it had on her and her family why she choose to make a positive difference by helping others, through education, awareness and most of all life experience.

Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
RB2R 14: Shane's Back! Life's Tough
Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
COME BACK SHANE!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtoCw2iOTSc
We start the episode off with a clip of Shane's namesake, the 1953 western entitled, "Shane".
SHANE's BACK!! Life is haHD, and sometimes it gets the better of us. Shane disappeared for a short amount of time towards the end of 2017, and he's back to tell us what happened and where we are going from here.
Find us on FB.

Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
RB2R 13: Michael Petit, Professional Stand Up/Impressionist on Sobriety
Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
We welcome
January 31st, 2018 Rock Bottom 2 Recovery Podcast with our guest Michael Petit
Entertainer /Professional Stand Up- On Camera Host/Impressionist Michael Petit as he talks about the before and afters of Sobriety in the entertainment industry. GO PATS!!!

Wednesday Jan 24, 2018
RB2R 12: Jesse Heffernan, Outreach and Empowerment - Faces and Voices of Recovery
Wednesday Jan 24, 2018
Wednesday Jan 24, 2018
The 2 sobah scallies welcome Jesse Heffernan, National Outreach & Empowerment Coordinator for Faces & Voices of Recovery as he talks about his recovery and how his organization reaches out to those who need it.

Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
RB2R 11: The Behavioral Side of Recovery with Mike O'Sullivan
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Join Bill and special guest host Mike O'Sullivan, the National Outreach Director of Granite Mountain Behavioral Health as they discuss all things sobriety and recovery.
While long-term treatment is the ideal approach for creating sustainable recovery, Granite Mountain BHC understand that often there are financial and environmental challenges that make commitment to a long-term treatment process difficult. That is why each client’s treatment plan is designed with these realities in mind.

Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
RB2R 10: Addiction and The Adolescent Mind with Dr. Ruth Potee
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Join us as we talk to Dr. Ruth Potee as we reenter the casting of Pods.
"We have to start recognizing that addiction is a real disease"
Dr. Potee discusses the disease of addiction and its affectivness on adolescents.

Friday Sep 08, 2017
RB2R 9: The Higher Power in Recovery
Friday Sep 08, 2017
Friday Sep 08, 2017
We're back baby after a long break!
Today we are discussing the Higher Power and its place in recovery.
If you ever wondered if your Higher power had a name then come check out The Alpha Course, the first night is called "Is There More To Life Than This" . Come down on Sept 14th to St Joe's Holbrook Dinner served at 6:30 pm
You can see what it is all about then decide if it's for you.
Check out our FB page too!
Higher Power is a term coined in the 1930s in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and is used in other twelve-step programs. It is also sometimes referred to as a power greater than ourselves and is frequently abbreviated to HP. The term sometimes refers to a supreme being or deity, or some conception of God.

Friday Jul 07, 2017
RB2R 8: Senator John Keenan - Legislation and Recovery
Friday Jul 07, 2017
Friday Jul 07, 2017
Host Bill Farrell welcomes Massachusetts State Senator John Keenan. Senator Keenan is a leading proponent of major reforms addressing prescription drug abuse and substance abuse treatment. Senator Keenan continues to focus on the opiate abuse epidemic, with several pieces of legislation that aim to reduce our over-reliance on the pharmaceutical products that lead to addiction and overdose. He has several proposals that would expand access to treatment, reduce out of pocket costs for naloxone, provide broader and more effective pain management alternatives to opioid prescribing, strengthen the “Good Samaritan” law, and update trafficking statutes to reflect the recently emerged threat of fentanyl.

Friday Jul 07, 2017
RB2R 7: Shannon Egan, A Story of War Oppression and Addiction
Friday Jul 07, 2017
Friday Jul 07, 2017
Host Shane Johnson and Bill Farrell welcome special guest Shannon Egan.
Shannon Egan is the author of No Tourists Allowed and Sex, Drugs & Recovery (coming fall of 2017). She is the host and creator of the Instagram video series, Create & Conquer, with over 40,000 followers, including creatives, writers, and people in recovery.
Shannon is a 17 X Award-Winning Grant Writer and a Marketing and Development Consultant for Addiction Recovery Organizations world-wide. Previously, she worked as a Journalist and Press Officer for the United Nations in Africa and New York City.
In her spare time, she masquerades as a cosplayer to offer a creative take on living in addiction recovery.